Apart from preparing yourself for the hysterectomy “postoperative care” is what you should pay attention to while some people may question some problems for instance is sex permissible after operation? can I do a workout as I regularly did ? or is there any bleeding after procedure? Basing from what stated these are some tips that you should do after having the hysterectomy.
Some behaviors that you should avoid
- Avoid having sex ; however, in case of small surgery it make take you to avoid this activity about 1-2 months. On the other hand, if a process you receive is the hysterectomy then you need to stop it for about 2-3 months to prevent the body from trauma and infection.
- Avoid cleaning through the vagina as it causes you being infected by diseases easily.
- Avoid having constipation because hard pushing during defecation causes pressure to the rectum ulcer. Patient should drink more water, have more fruits and vegetable along with digestible food so that the stool can be soft and make your defecation even easier.
- Avoid hard exercising during the first 6 weeks of recovery, especially intense physical activity such as running, aerobics or weight-lifting.
- Avoid doing heavy housework, gardening, baby carrying or lifting object weigh more than 10 kg because it causes pressure to the vaginal wall. According to what stated is that it may risk the patient to inflammation. Therefore all patients should abstain doing these activities about 2 months after surgery.
- Avoid driving after the surgery. Patients often take painkillers that affect them with drowsiness and ability to stop themselves from driving a car. Therefore, the patient should check or ask their doctors again before start driving again after the procedure.
- In case the patient needs to cut the uterus … both want to have a child. Avoid staying alone. Because there is a risk of depression.
Side Effects after The surgery
- Feeling cold with fever from unknown cause
- Having abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding including blood.
- There is liquid or stools comes out from the vagina.
- Having severe vaginal odor.
- Having pain with swelling and pus.
For more information contact:
Women’s Health Center Phyathai 2 Hospital, Building A, 2nd Floor
Call +662-617-2444 ext. 4268-9