7 Healing foods for Knee Osteoarthritis

Phyathai Nawamin

2 Min

Th 21/05/2020


7 Healing foods for Knee Osteoarthritis

7 Healing foods for Knee Osteoarthritis

If you are one of those who have high chance of getting Knee Osteoarthritis before its time, then it is better to  take down your note on what kind of food you are recommended to consume in order to slow down the time of suffering.

Dried shrimp; absolutely, calcium is the best choice for bone strengthening in spite of taking vitamins, why don’t we have it directly from the natural calcium like dried shrimp? In fact, 100 grams of dried shrimp contains 2,300 milligrams of calcium.

Guava; vitamin is a source of antioxidants helping nourish the joints directly. It can also cure the inflammation. In reference to doctor’s order, for the joint inflammation patients, you are recommended to consume at least 90 milligrams of vitamin C. Accordingly, Guava is the best source of Vitamin C which is easy to find.

Sea fishsea fish is easy to be found like salmon and tuna. The fish contains Omega 3 fat, which the body needs, also be a source of collagens that enhances the strength of joint includes cartilage.

Black sesame; you might not believe that the Black sesame contains both calcium and copper that helps strengthen the bone and motivates your body to produce collagen. Moreover, the sesame also contains zinc that builds up the bone mass.

Ginger; ginger is counted as a herb that helps relieve Knee Osteoarthritis symptoms. Aside from preventing joint inflammation, it supports the blood flow intensively and also contains antioxidants.

Tomatoit is well known as skin beauty source whereas it contains collagens. Apart from nourishing your skin, it also helps fixing the cartridges and joints.

Soy milk; soy milk is another source of collagen. The simplest way of consuming the collagen is to drink a proper amount of soymilk daily, which that helps increases the collagen in the body. You can observe while leaving the milk for a long hour it will look like group of small gel bubbles.

Orthopedic Center
Phyathai Nawamin Hospital
Tel: +662-944-7111 ext.1333#

